Grant Will Fund New Local Mission Trip Program for Youth
February 5, 2020 – The Faith In Our Future Trustees approved a grant of $32,250 from the Community Faith Building Endowment Fund to the St. John Paul II Center of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The grant will make it possible to launch the “Love Begins Here” program. This is a local mission trip experience for youth and young adults. A proven template is used to invite youth and young adults into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. A weeklong program includes daily mass, praying the rosary, and providing service. Two-thirds of the participants will be middle school teens. The program will be the first Archdiocesan initiative directed to middle school youth. Parishes who host the program will benefit from service activities, as well as the witness of teens praying and attending daily mass.
The Faith In Our Future Trust, a 501(c)(3) Charitable Trust created in 2007, is thankful for gifts from parishioners throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The Trust has distributed over $58 million to date, with all grants restricted to providing support for Catholic Education and Faith Formation.