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Faith In Our Future Grant Supports New Formation Program in Pilot Parishes

February 20, 2017 – The Trustees of Faith In Our Future approved a grant of $8,500 from the Living Our Faith Fund to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for a pilot program in four parishes. The “Con Todo Nuestro Corazon” (“With All Your Heart”) program is a formation model to strengthen parish life, and it has been designed to recognize and embrace the unique elements in the makeup of parishes with a predominantly Hispanic membership. The program will be evaluated for success in increasing parish membership, stewardship, and active participation. Lessons learned in the pilot parishes offer the potential to extend the program to additional parishes with a significant Hispanic membership.

The Faith In Our Future Trust is a 501(c)(3) charitable trust, funded by gifts from parishioners throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. All grants from the Trust are restricted to providing support for Catholic Education and Faith Formation.