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Grant to Archdiocese Funds Scholarships for Parish Teams at Amazing Parish Conference

February 6, 2018 – The Faith In Our Future Trustees approved a grant of $315,000 from the Living Our Faith Fund to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The grant will subsidize the registration fees for parishes in the Archdiocese which register parish teams to attend the National Amazing Parish Conference in October 2018. The Amazing Parish Organization provides pastors and parish leaders with training, resources, and support to create vibrant and thriving parishes. This purpose directly aligns with goals of the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod. The grant from Faith In Our Future will provide funding for scholarships to help meet the goal of having a pastor and leadership team from every Archdiocesan parish in attendance at the Conference – a unique opportunity since this year’s Conference, though national in scope, will be conducted in Milwaukee.

The Faith In Our Future Trust is a 501(c)(3) charitable trust, funded by gifts from parishioners throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. All grants from the Trust are restricted to providing support for Catholic Education and Faith Formation.